
We are trained and experienced in prayer. We have many years of experience in crisis situations being resolved by prayer ministry.

Crisis Coaching

We are skilled with 'next steps' when facing emotional or spiritual crisis.


We have built a Faith community for women of prayer, Bible studies and teaching, support groups, crafting, and serving the homeless.


  • Wendy Lowry has been so influential in my life! I can honestly say if God wasn’t working through this woman I wouldn’t be where I am today!  I met her when I was in jail at 19 years old she came in and talked to us about Teen Challenge and I went. I felt love and compassion from her. I didn’t change at that point but the seeds were planted and I knew and felt the love of Jesus through Wendy and the people in that program.  Now you see why it’s so important to love like Jesus did!
    Phil Tyler
    Against The Odds Ministries
  • At one point in my life I was a hopeless dope addict.  I was broken in so many places and wheelchair bound because of severe frost bitten feet.  I was  facing amputation from the ankle down. Then I met an Angel from God while sitting in the county jail facing a prison sentence-Wendy Lowry. She glowed in hope and freedom.  I would never miss going to see her when she came to the jail.  She would share her life and what God had done in her life. She brought so much hope not only to me but so many others. Since meeting Wendy, I’ve learned how she is the salt and light of this earth that the Bible says we are to be; the gospel walking around as a city on a hill letting her light shine brightly. I’m so grateful for this woman of God who became so important to my recovery and learning to understand who I was and who I am today. The great commission is to preach the gospel to the four corners of the earth and that’s exactly what Wendy does every opportunity God gives her. She is a worthy disciple of God reconciling the gospel to the lost. I am one of her disciples!
    Pastor RC Williams-New Vine Ministry
    AKA: Chaplain Ron Williams -Short term MNTC
  • In 2003, I was facing 10 years in prison for armed robbery. Wendy came weekly into the county jails to share with inmates about Jesus Christ and the Teen Challenge program. I loved the fact that she took time out of her busy day to share Jesus Christ with me in jail.  Wendy came to my sentencing day in court and as I was about to receive a 10 year sentence , Wendy stood up in court and  fought for me.  She asked the judge to send me to Teen Challenge instead of prison.  The judge allowed me to go to Teen Challenge. I so appreciate Wendy for doing what she did for me in court that day. I am forever grateful to God for her! I wouldn’t be where I am today without her help.
    Pastor Teng Vu
    Life in Christ Church
  • 7 Bells saved my life. I was in a dark place and I was alone. I came home and I was received with unconditional love. The difference here is it's not a "sober house." It's a house where women (who happen to be working on sobriety) are taught, nurtured and discipled. We are shown love (through the example of our servant-leaders), we are shown grace. We are directed to the Word in all matters. In this process we learn to love each other and ourselves. I cannot stress enough the importance of what is happening here. We are being pulled from the pit of death and destruction, in turn we are being built up to help others out of that same precious life at a time.
  • “[7 Bells] made a huge impact in my life. [Wendy was] running the women’s sober living home that I used to own. I watched her work with those women…the amount of time, energy and love she showed them was amazing. Whether doing well or struggling, she showed them only love and compassion and led them in making their futures better.”
  • “I have rarely met another human being who has been so dedicated to saving the lost as Wendy is.  She is relentless in sharing hope. Wendy is 100% on, day and night…she is a lighthouse.”
    Chaplain, Shakopee Prison
  • “I am blessed to have [Wendy] as my spiritual mentor. She has helped me completely break free of my past trauma, religious abuse and helped me get closer to Christ than ever before. Fearlessness, honesty, loyalty, selflessness, non-judgment, LOVE and understanding are some of the qualities I respect most about Wendy [she helped me] get free from the slavery of addiction permanently.”
  • “I met Wendy at Teen Challenge, my brother told me that she is a miracle worker. I was shy to say hi but once I did she sat down with me and talked to me like I was a person, not a number or not like she was better and that was so heart-warming.  She said I was very special to her and at the time she didn’t know how much that meant to me.  She helped me work through so many issues that I faced mentally and spiritually. Wendy will truly listen to you and she has the biggest heart for you too.”

7 Bells is a ministry of women gifted in prayer ministry, teaching and discipleship for those desiring hope and freedom in Jesus Christ. We partner with other ministries to serve the homeless, hurting and addicted.

Can We Pray For You?

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is upon me, for the LORD has anointed me to bring good news to the poor. He has sent me to comfort the brokenhearted and to proclaim that captives will be released and prisoners will be freed. Isaiah 61:1

We pray with you for: Salvation, Crisis Coaching, Forgiveness Work, Generational Sin, Break Curses, Bondage, Sinful Vows, Sinful Soul Ties, Judgments, Trauma, Torment, Deliverance, more.

We provide all services free of charge. We can assist by phone, or meet you at our Minneapolis or Lakeville locations.

Call/Text or Email Wendy Lowry and Tatiana Hart at:

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What if You Miss It All…

"Only one life will soon be past; only what's done for Christ will last. And when I am dying, how happy I'll be,if the lamp of my life has