Wendy Lowry is the President and Founder of 7 Bells.
Wendy narrowly survived her own early 8 years of chronic addictions to alcohol, amphetamines, and eating disorders. She was miraculously saved from an overdose that should have caused her death in 1991 when a pastor’s wife prayed for her in her last moments. She was healed instantly from the overdose, her addictions, her raging lifestyle and her insane mind. She never used drugs or alcohol again after that prayer and never suffered withdrawal or went to treatment. She changed from chasing relief from her torment to chasing the One who healed her torment, Jesus Christ. Wendy worked for Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge for 20 years as a jail liaison, program director and chaplain before resigning in 2019 to start 7 Bells Refuge. She knew God was asking her to create a safe world for those who cannot stay sober outside the walls of treatment centers.

Tatiana Hart was lost in a lifestyle of addiction until she was healed and set free by Jesus Christ. Tatiana had met Wendy when she was a teenager in treatment back in 1996. They met again in 2018 and Tatiana knew she was called to build a ministry alongside Wendy. She is an intercessor and has given her life to prayer. She has 3 ministries under 7 Bells: Prayer ministry and Intercession, The Third Watch and The Perch.